
Friday, April 5, 2013

Blogging In the Name Of....

After two more weeks I go back to days... That's about the time it takes to get used to nights... Que Surprise...
I think I'll play with fire today considering I haven't in a long time. Sure I bar-be-qued last night but that's not pounding hot steel to my whim and will. Fire is nifty...
The temperature threshold of a diamond is about the melting point of copper which is less than the melting point of iron which is less than the melting point of steel. I can melt steel with a small bag of charcoal and a hair dryer. I can set diamonds on fire... Just saying.
I have a piece I started years ago. I cut the shape out of a piece of leaf spring with an arc-welder (more like melted than cut) and I have yet to start shaping it to my whim; a lanchero machete; a big, heavy blade not unlike a machete yet not unlike a shovel. It's a big undertaking but eh.. I got a few days off.
I really should get and post pictures of the process...
My car is caput-ish... So of course it happen after I spent all my tax money... I'm trying for a loan so say a prayer for me that I get it. Papa Savage needs a new set of wheels (well.. used is preferable)


Heff said...

All I can say is, You melted my heart the first time I laid eyes on you, sexy.

The Savage said...

Funny thing is, Heff, I got you and your woman in my pants. Hell! Travis too...

Anonymous said...

an you melted my balls of steel. Prayers for Lord Savage.

Pearl said...

I would love to see what you are working on...
