
Friday, April 12, 2013

Life Is Perfect, Never Better, Just A Phone Call To Ease Your Mind...

Flashback anyone? No? Read the title again. Yeah. That's right. Back to the 90's.
What? You don't get it? Well, click the link then.

So my car broke down. The engine is kaput. I now own three non-functioning vehicles.... Pretty nifty huh? Gads, I'm getting all red neck. Yep.. they sit in my yard in the country.... Remarkably none are on blocks... yet...........................

I'm missing a few things to get my forge going so until I find or replace them I won't be pounding hot steel to my whim and will....

Work is going pretty well. I have the basics down. I can do all the checks and calibrations required for nights. But the week after next I go to days and thank goodness. The guys at night, with the exception of one who started a couple weeks after me, are a bunch of whiny little bitches full of spite. They're the kinds of people who make Lindsey Lohan seem like a good role model for children on the subject of civility and common courtesy...

I'm going to be playing gardener today. I'm going to get a patch all ready for watermelon and cantaloupe, quite possibly pumpkins and honeydew as well....
I've got three of my gardens ready for the basics, plus there's my mother's tomato garden and her snow/sugar snap pea garden... I don't know if I should attempt flowers again....
Hopefully it won't get all wintery again. If it does I think we should find a nice nursing home for Mother Nature. I think the old biddy is getting senile........


Pearl said...

It wasn't a bad song. :-)

Gardening? Ahhh. We are in the midst of a snow storm. Please send pics and tequila.


BlazngScarlet said...

I miss angry chick music.

I have some tulip bulbs, lilacs and rose of sharon to plant.
I'm not done with winter yet though.
Mother Nature is a menopausal bitch.

Sorry you work with tools.
(NOT McGregor lol)
Do they have SWAG?! lol ;)

drollgirl said...

well that sucks! three cars and none of them run. ARGH!!!!!

sounds like you sure have a green thumb! glad you put it to work. i mostly stick with the easy stuff -- geraniums and cacti and succulents. it is ROASTING where i live in the summer, so my attempts at edible plants have not gone so well.

i think working days will be better in many ways. much, much better. hope so!