
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Oh, The Pain. The Pain of It All...

Sunday, the 28th was push-ups. I did at least 100 (possibly 20 or so more) so when Monday rolled around I thought, "Hey hows about squats?" I woke up yesterday as the cumulative upper and lower body pain hit with the feelings of being extruded through a chain link fence.
Tuesday, yesterday, I thought, "Okay, something easy... Hmmmm.. I know! Calf raises." I did well over one hundred, fifty since they are so "easy".... I don't recall that being an ass workout. My butt is about as sore as getting a penicillin shot in both cheeks.
Todays torture? Crunches
Now, mind you, I haven't been hitting balls to the wall with this stuff. The workouts have been eased up to factor in my lack of physical readiness for the 100 campaign. The push ups were leaning push ups. Not every squat was a full squat.. okay so I went balls to the wall on the calf raises. The crunches will be standing crunches for now. When I let you peeps pick my poison I'll be hitting it like I know what I'm doing.
Fuckleberries and cream. And to think, you will all get to vote on my weekly self abuse in the weeks to come. I'll post a weekly picture of my progress on Saturdays.

I had other news but it slipped my mind as I was editing the above...



BlazngScarlet said...

I started my daily crunch regimen today as well!
Only 20 to start ... but considering the condition of my abdominals post-surgery, it felt like 100! lol

Pearl said...

I am looking forward to these pictures of which you speak. :-)
